Buy Registered and fake documents, Simple process with no other requirements apart from your information

What if you could buy a drivers license without any requirements to complete a medical test or driving training and passing a theory and practical test? Now you are able to buy Registered or fake documents such as Drivers license, Passports, Visas, ID Cards and Residence Permit for all countries in Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, Russia, and New Zealand.

Buy All your documents, No bureaucratic process.

Buy All your registered real or fake documents through our driver’s license, passport, ID card, Residence permit and visa services. You will get to skip any difficult or bureaucratic process involved in getting your documents the usual way.

Being Specialist in document production and registration means we are always on top of our Game bringing to our clients the best quality documents especially when they order the real or registered documents(All real and registered documents are the same as those issued through the usual process we are able to produce real and registered documents through our diplomatic back channel connections and some private connections as well).

You can also buy Schengen visa to travel within the Schengen area with a Multiple entry Schengen Visa

Buy Driver’s license

Our driver’s license service deals with the production and registration of driver’s license and all our clients do not need to go through the difficult process of passing both the theory and practical driving test.

All we require to produce and register your driver’s license into the driving license database is your registration or personal information. All list of these requirements will be forwarded to you once you contact us.

Read more about driver’s license.

Buy Real/Fake ID Card

Our Id card service is responsible for the production of ID cards for over 2 decades we have mastered the production of very high quality ID Cards. We produce both the real and the fake ID Cards for our clients depending on their needs. Both the real and the fake ID Cards are of the same quality with all physical security features just as with those issued by the government 

authorities responsible for issuing ID Cards in a country, however only the real ID Card is registered with the Government database, making it more expensive than the fake ID card.

Read more on Real and Fake ID Card

Buy Fully featured residence permit

A Permanent residence permit give you full rights the the county you hold a residence permit for, this is an important document to have if you are going to stay in a country for a long time and it will give you so many benefits, with all the rights of the citizens of that country, even the right to posses that countries passport. 

Just as with Id cards clients can choose to buy either the fake or the registered permanent residence permit which are different in many ways and are use able in different cases.

Read more on buy Permanent residence permit

Buy original Biometric passport

Passports are an essential requirement when it comes to travel and some countries have and edge over others when it comes to how powerful or how much access to the world it gives to it’s holders. You can buy stronger passports of other countries so as to have many visa free countries you can visit or you may want to become a citizen of a country the easy way, 

for instance when you buy a German passport from us since your information will be registered on the German passport register then you will automatically become a German citizen and can use your Passport to identify yourself as that.

Read more about buy Biometric passport

My EuropeanDocs, Documents for all Europe

How does MyEuropeandocs offer the best documents to their clients.

As an Organization my EuropeanDocs works with a few full-time document specialist and then for the more expensive parts involved in the document process, we enlist the help of documents expert for the specific country that the document is being produced for.

When you buy the original(also called the real of registered) document, the process of producing and registering your document does not involve us alone as we pay documents expert and often Government employees in the country you are buying a document of to make sure your information is registered in the system and all we have to care about is the actual document productions itself making sure all security features are present and your document will pass all the quality tests by our document experts before being delivered to you.

For all fake documents, no system registration is needed hence we do not need to outsource any part of it’s production, hence the cheap price of the fake documents.

Buy other documents


Meet Niko and his driver’s license solution in Austrian.

Niko is originally fromBrasil and he move to Austria last year for a new job and to start a New chapter in his life, however what he did not know was how difficult it will be for him to exchange his Brasilian driver’s license for an Austrian one, this quickly became a problem as he needed an efficient way to get to and back from work. When he decided to exchange his driver’s license for an Austrian on he quickly recognise how difficult the process was going to be so he enlisted the help of a translator who was going to help him, then he visited the local driver’s license office and was told he had to go through the usual bureaucratic process of getting a driver’s license again, after many months of studying he finally passed the theory test, however he failed the practical test even though he can drive perfectly. That was when he was introduced to our driver’s license service through a google search.

Today Niko is a Proud owner of a fully featuered Austrian driver’s license and has been driving for Months now.

With us you can drive too.

Buy Austrian driver’s license

Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

I’m glad I got my driver’s license on this website and now I have a chance to do my work in my life. This paper will change everything for me. I failed my driving test twice and I report that the drivers have always been happy to get me to market their business. I knew how to drive perfectly for a very long time, but there is always stress that makes me fail the exam because I am traumatized by driving school teachers. I really love this site.

william jaff

Company name

I’m from the Caribbean who has been in Sweden for 5 years and it was very difficult to get a driver’s license although I already had a valid Caribbean driver’s license until my cousin in Uppsala reported on this site who just happily directed me to it with no difficulty gives a driver’s license. I am much more at home in this country now than I was before. thanks to

Mike Milena

Company name

It’s been less than a month since I moved here from Ireland. I tested this site for a driver’s license and had my driver’s license in less than a week. These people are faster than the ones in Ireland, I wish I knew about this sooner.

Leonard Kinga

Company name

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